The Siren, Sibyl and Sage

Writings and inspirations through the eyes of a Siren, a Sibyl and a Sage.
Into my intuitive mind and through my words allow me to lift your Spirit with inspiration & insights...
Let the journey begin...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Change does not care what day it is.

I need mirrors to know myself, to destination truth, an elaborate tale of survival. Full of bumps, turns, twists, my life and its magic web.

Its up to you to read between the lines of  this exploration.What matters is you comprehend what is shared through this episode and glimpse into my life.
I am committed to gain your trust through the power of words and slight persuasion. 

Change does not care what day it is.

Conceived unwanted yet a sense of royalty coursed through my veins with the right amount of risk, right and wrong, love of a good life and a stain of vanity. 

The world around me full of human suffering, sounds of late night parties my mother had. Her life and circumstances its latest victim.

Trusting my deep self more, I became a snarly teenager full of rebellion  and no regrets. 
Life full of yes's, recklessness and long nights. 

The beingness of sex, my new favorite subject like my beloved English class, I couldn't wait to see the  untouched layers showing its juiciness. 

The light inside attracting men like moths against their will and better judgement.

Power could be had without struggle.

Change does not care what day it is.

Stepping through the moon right into the life of a grown up. 

No darkness here, only grumblings of ego and fear trying to slide into my shiny armor.

My soul  deeper, my truths lived like a feline, are unraveling and spilling out. 

Sometimes  I am afraid to think, what words will spill out, what memories recovered. 

I never know how these thoughts, images and ideas will come into existence. 

I saw a better version of myself and walked right  to her.
She is the one you see.